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Flora & Fauna
Carnarvon Gorge

Carnarvon Gorge is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna. The park is home to over 170 species of birds, including the Australian King Parrot, as well as numerous reptiles, such as the eastern water dragon and carpet python. Visitors may also be lucky enough to spot a variety of mammals, including the elusive platypus, wallabies, and echidnas.

The park's vegetation is equally impressive, with over 200 species of plants, including the iconic King Ferns, which can grow up to six meters tall. The park's unique sandstone formations create diverse ecosystems, from dry eucalypt woodlands to lush rainforest gullies.

Carnarvon Gorge is also home to a range of nocturnal animals, such as possums and gliders, which visitors can observe on night walks. With its rich biodiversity and stunning scenery, Carnarvon Gorge is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventurers alike.


Carnarvon Gorge is home to a diverse range of macropods, or large marsupials, including kangaroos and wallabies. Some of the macropod species found in the area include the Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Agile Wallaby, Whiptail Wallaby, and Swamp Wallaby. Visitors to Carnarvon Gorge may have the opportunity to observe these fascinating animals in their natural habitat as they hop, graze, and interact with one another.



The platypus is a fascinating and elusive aquatic mammal that can be found in the freshwater streams and rivers of Carnarvon Gorge. With its distinctive duck-like bill, webbed feet, and beaver-like tail, the platypus is truly one-of-a-kind. Visitors to Carnarvon Gorge may be lucky enough to spot a platypus swimming and diving in the clear waters, but they are known to be quite shy and difficult to observe in the wild. Despite their cuteness and unique features, platypuses are actually venomous, with the males having a venomous spur on their hind legs.


Carnarvon Gorge is home to a diverse array of bird species, making it a birdwatcher's paradise. The park is known for its resident bird species such as the rare and endangered Powerful Owl, the Eastern Yellow Robin, the Satin Bowerbird, the Rufous Fantail, the Wonga Pigeon, and the Australian King Parrot. Other common birds found in the park include the Superb Fairy-wren, the Eastern Whipbird, the Grey Shrike-thrush, and the Kookaburra. The best time for birdwatching in Carnarvon Gorge is during the early morning or late afternoon when birds are most active.

Carnarvon Palms

Rare and Unique Plants

Carnarvon Gorge is home to a diverse range of unique plant species, including ancient ferns, towering eucalyptus trees, and vibrant wildflowers. One of the most distinctive plants in the area is the Carnarvon fan palm, which is found only in this region and is one of the few palm species native to inland Australia. Other notable plants include the delicate pink rock orchid, the prickly cycad, and the fragrant wattles that bloom in spring. The gorge is also home to a variety of rare and endangered plant species, making it a crucial area for conservation efforts.

Nocturnal Mammals

Carnarvon Gorge is home to a diverse array of nocturnal animals, including possums, gliders, bats, owls, and wallabies. These creatures come out to forage and hunt under the cover of darkness, making for an exciting and unique wildlife viewing experience. Some of the most common species to look out for include the greater glider, sugar glider, and the long-nosed bandicoot. Many of these animals are shy and elusive, so visitors to Carnarvon Gorge may want to consider participating in a guided night tour for the best chance to see them in their natural habitat.

Greater glider
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King Ferns

King Ferns (Angiopteris evecta) are one of the most impressive and iconic plant species found in Carnarvon Gorge. These large ferns can grow up to 5 meters tall and have fronds that can span over 3 meters wide, making them one of the largest ferns in the world. The fronds are dark green and glossy, with a leathery texture, and are supported by a thick, scaly stem. King Ferns can be found in moist, shaded areas of the gorge and are often seen growing alongside creeks and waterfalls. Due to their impressive size and unique appearance, they are a popular attraction for visitors to the area.


Echidnas, also known as spiny anteaters, are a fascinating and unique animal species found in Carnarvon Gorge. They are easily recognizable by their spiny coat, long snouts, and small eyes and ears. Echidnas are monotremes, which means they lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young like most mammals. They are also one of only two species of monotremes in the world, the other being the platypus. Echidnas are primarily solitary animals that are active during the day, but can also be active at night. They feed on ants and termites, which they find by using their keen sense of smell and long, sticky tongue. If disturbed, echidnas can quickly bury themselves in the ground or curl up into a ball to protect themselves using their spines.

Bearded Dragon


Carnarvon Gorge is home to a diverse array of reptiles. Some of the reptile species found in the area include lizards such as the Bearded Dragon, the Eastern Water Dragon, and the Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard. Snakes such as the Carpet Python, the Red-bellied Black Snake, and the Eastern Brown Snake can also be found in the area. Additionally, there are a variety of skinks and geckos that can be spotted throughout the gorge. Visitors to the area should avoid approaching or handling any wild reptiles.

Creek Life

The spring fed creeks around Carnarvon Gorge are home to a diverse range of wildlife. Freshwater turtles can often be spotted basking on rocks, while water dragons sun themselves on the creek's banks. Platypus are known to inhabit the creek, though they are elusive and difficult to spot. Other aquatic inhabitants include various species of fish, frogs, and waterbirds. The surrounding vegetation provides habitat for numerous bird species, mammals such as wallabies and kangaroos, as well as reptiles including snakes and lizards. With its rich biodiversity, Carnarvon Creek is a vital ecosystem within Carnarvon Gorge.

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